Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • P. Roux (ISAE, Onera) visited for 7 months in order to collaborate with S. Boldo and G. Melquiond on the topic of formal verification of numerical algorithms.

  • Bas Spitters visited for 3 months from April to June funded by a Digiteo grant. He worked with C. Paulin on the extension of the ALEA library to continuous structures and the use of “lower reals” (monotonic sequences of rationals). He also worked on adapting the Corn and Math-classes libraries to the new Coq release. During that time he published a final version of a paper presented at the Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic in 2012 [119] .

  • Andrew Tolmach is a visiting researcher from Portland State University, on a one-year Digiteo Chair. His research project will initiate a new research effort to develop principles, techniques, and tools for large-scale proof engineering. It is focused on the Coq proof assistant and is designed to take advantage of the deep pool of expertise available in the Paris area (at Paris-Sud, LIX, Inria, etc.) concerning both the use and development of Coq. Initial results are expected to include: a precise description of requirements for large proof management; sample prototype tools addressing one or more of these requirements; and a technical survey of relevant proof representation options.